+44 (0)1292 318256

Pricing models and a full added value package to give your firm a real edge.

Pricing menu

You are preparing for a meeting with a current client to agree an instruction for a new transaction. You access the Pricing Menu in your firm’s intranet. There are 20 different pricing models under 4 categories:-

  • time based
  • fixed and capped
  • discount
  • risk share

with benefits and risks for the client and the firm detailed for every one of them.

You review them all and select the 3 options best suited to present to the client.

Added value package

You are preparing an important tender and need to answer “What added value services will your firm offer to us?” You access Added Value Services in your firm’s intranet and find a comprehensive list of every option your firm offers, with approximate costings and value.

You select the best 5 for the bid and circulate to the rest of the bid team for discussion and agreement.

Positively Legal will:-

  • identify the pricing models and added value services that are and have been used throughout your firm
  • add some that you don’t know or haven’t thought about
  • design user friendly Pricing Menus and Added Value Services packages
  • design and facilitate engagement and training programmes to ensure effective uptake by your lawyers and support teams